Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Medical Assistant

The main person that has shaped my personality has been my mother. She has show n me how to conduct myself as a woman, a professional, and as a mother. She has always worker d and shown me and my sister the value of work. Her hard work Instilled In me the desire to succeed. My mother has always been my Inspiration. At a young age my mother came to the US, she had no knowledge of the language mum chi less of the way of life out here. Although the language barrier she managed to meet and ma r rye my dad.My mother quickly found out that America wasn't all It seemed. She married and the n struggled to provide for me and my father. He was a spoiled American kid, In my mothers word s, with opportunities only dreamed of by my mother. She stuck it out and had me and my sis term. Later she divorced from my dad and provided for us all by herself. She started working at South Chicago hospital as a housekeeper when I was only 6 wok s old. Since then she has held her Job and worked two, even thre e Jobs to provide for me an d my sister. The road has been long but she tells me she never regrets it.She has been sat bled and living proof that it can be done. My mother did it without any education and it was a f reign land to her. She now has bought and paid for her home and a condo in Florida, and has law yes helped and provided for me, my sister, and her grandchildren. My mother is my idol. I wish she could see the impact and structure she has instilled on my life. I am so proud to have such a dedicated and hard working mother. She inspires me to do the Impossible. If she can overcome all the odds then I can at least try to.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Race and intelligence

Essay 1 An individual’s work achievement can be best predicted by measuring their intelligence. Discuss. In modern life, the motive to success in career has been researched in order to benefit both individual and organization. The term â€Å"intelligence† has been acknowledged over the world as a common way to compare between individual people. Majority believe that succeed of every people can be best measured in that way. However, after many year of using that, some people argue intelligence is not the best way to show how good in work people are.They figure out other ways of measuring success of worker. So does intelligence measurement method make the best prediction for work achievement? This essay is going to discuss about methods for determining an individual’s work outcome for every body clear about that. Before discussing about career success and measurement, there is some knowledge that people should know. As everyone knows ‘intelligence’ is used all over the world but in fact, what intelligence is?As it was mentioned in Principle of Organisation Behaviour (2005), â€Å"intelligence† can be classified as: Pure speed which is the speed of process for simple information, choice speed which is an ability to make a choice, speed of lexical access is the time taken for retrieving information from long-term memory, speed of reasoning processes is speed at higher order information processing. Career is a general course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part or calling in life, or in some special undertaking; usually applied to course or conduct which is of a public character (1913 Webster).Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. The other meaning of that is the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status (Oxford dictionary 1998). So, career success could be defined as achieving the goal of work. For an individual, goal of works are difference for example some people want to do their normal jo bs, some want to do better than others in order to be premoted. In general, the work achievement that managers want to define can be understood as how good the work could be done.The measurement of intelligence is the way they get score to compare between people. Nevertheless, how they calculate the score of one thing that cannot be seen. Charles Spearman explores the â€Å"G† number which is the score related to intelligent. Many psychologists broke out the â€Å"G† into many parts such as Schmidt and Hunter (1998), Sir Cyril Burt and Thurstone (1938). These primary factors were identified which we would nowadays known as: Spatial ability, verbal reasoning, perceptual speed, numerical ability, memory, verbal fluency, inductive reasoning.The basis education in the UK during 1944 to 1971, the found that school education could be determined at the age of 11 by seeing intelligence test score. Actually, it is usually argued that intelligence is the best single predictor of scholastic achievement (Gottfredson, 2002; Kuncel, Hezlett, & Ones, 2004). Commonly, many organizations believe an ability of individual can be forecasted from an intelligence test score. Moreover, occupational status that is foundation form of achievement can be predicted by individual’s intelligence. Individuals are different.The same work might have difference result due to difference of method. As being describe in definition, intelligence has been known as the speed of dealing with problem. People who work faster and more efficiency can be more successful at work so that intelligence is an important part of working-achieve judgement. Beside that, intelligent people have more advantage of learning new thing than others. For example, they can find the new way of getting thing done rather than work under supervisor’s order. Intelligence has impacts on education, job performance and income.Because the more intelligences people have, the better they can achieve in edu cation. That also gives them a chance to have better reference to support their job and income. Jensen (1980) summarizes several causes underlying the later fact. Taking samples with high educational levels attenuate the correlation with intelligence scores (producing values between . 30 and . 40), whereas samples from elementary and high school produce the largest correlations (from . 50 to . 70) because of the greater restriction in range of ability at higher educational levels.The greater intelligent people can have the better capable abilities they have to achieve higher level of education. With higher IQ results, people can be success in studying at school by faster processing information, solving problem and so on. That way, those people get more information and better understanding about their work. Consequently, they can achieve better grade than the others do. Hence, the effects of intelligent continue with job performance such as people with higher IQ score can do work mor e accelerative because can process information faster.They have high pure speed for processing simple information combining with choice speed for retrieving information from long-term memory. Speed of reasoning processes is speed at higher order information processing can makes the work rapidly. Moreover, those people also have the backup from all information, knowledge they gain from work, training and education. They can connect the information that they received and knowledge that they gain for an outcome. Intelligence seems to do a set of barrier to entry into higher-status of occupation for people with low score.Vvariety of research found that the median scores of accountants was 128 with a range between 94 and 154 while the median for labourers was 88 with range from 94 to 145 (Harrell and Harrell, 1945). That caused by intellectual work require people working more rapidly and accurately with information. That gives people with high faculty of understanding, intellect (the abi lities of knowing and reasoning), quickness or superiority of understanding, sagacity, the action or fact of understanding something, knowledge, comprehension better job performance.Furthermore, higher IQ score more likely be seen as higher education so that those people have better reference, education and training than others do. â€Å"The proper aim of higher education in a democratic is to prepare the individual to make wise decision†. (Principle of Organisational Behaviour) As the measurement of intelligence, intelligence can be broken down to many parts. Spatial reasoning is the imagine abilities from perspectives. That copes with flat two dimension diagrams. That is necessary abilities for working as engineering, designer and so on.Verbal reasoning is the abilities to figure out the relationship. That helps people with job roles where prompt and accurate understanding of written material is important. Perceptual speed shows the speed of decision making. Numerical abili ty is the abilities of dealing with numbers. That has an effects on job performance because, higher intelligence mean they can have better abilities to deal with special parts of work. According to the results, high scorers are capable of contributing effectively in management and Besides that, Lynn, R. , & Vanhanen, T. 2002) research show that the estimated of national IQ. The results of comparison between GDP and national IQ score, Lynn and Vanhanen coincluded that there was a sthrong relation between intelligence and national wealth. They further argued that the relation was causal, and that it reflected essentially intractable differences in mental competence across countries. On the other hand, in The Mismeasure of Man (1981), Professor Stephen Jay Gcould argues that intelligence tests are based on faulty assumptions and shows their history of being used as the basis for scientific racism.Although, intelligence measurement is a good method to expect work successive but not all, it does not actually figure out the true value of workers, it misses out many important part that effect to measuring successful. There are many type of intelligences has been identified through history of biology. They are ‘linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, bodily, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic’. As can be seen, many kinds of intelligence are not easy to measure such as intelligent of art. Furthermore, as Halsey (Halsey et al. 1980) said the relationship between intelligence and occupational status occurs as indirect relation and subtly. This is caused by some of the impact of intelligence comes from the powerful shared cultural assumptions. That problem was figure out as being smart is more importance than having experience and understanding the market place. That is not true; because people cannot invest money on the market, they do not know and understand. In addition, some of the affect of intelligence on work exist indirectly bec ause of education, culture, environment, personality, emotion, communication, oopportunity and so on.For instant, the company cannot judge who is better just by seeing employees’ intelligences between people has IQ 180, diploma and 5 years of experience and the other with the same IQ score has degree and 1-year experience. Education gives people more power from reference, information, knowledge and training. From these points, people can develop further their knowledge, skills better than the others can who do not have as much education as them. Their personality such as hard working is important. In fact, to compare two people with the same range of intelligence their work hardworking must be taken in account.Because the more he or she does, the more experience he or she get from that. More over, when people practise their skills also improve further and they get more chance of promotion than other does. Besides that, even if people work hard and intelligent, they still have mistake. As long as, they ignore the mistake they made, the errors might increase and their works become worst. Self-monitoring is the ability and willingness to identify the problem and develop self-presentation and the sensitivity to expressive behaviors of others (Hamid, 1994; Lennox and Wolfe, 1984).Moreover, locus of work can makes the difference at work. People with high level of focusing at work they can reduce their errors that lead to an increasing in working process and performance (Andrisani and Nestel, 1976; Rotter, 1966; Ryckman, 1997). Those people can achieve high performance in disadvantage environment. Communication is also necessary for everyone at work or study because people can gain their knowledge simply by communicate with others. Information, experiences and skills can be transferred from one to another.That skill not only gives people whom good at a chance to improve ability to adjust to any situation but also helps them to reduce stress level. People need to be extraversion, open to experience in communication because they can have more contacts and oopportunity to learn from others with these personalities. Although good environment can makes people develop better, without suitable personalities and skills they might face difficulties. Emotion cannot be excluded, because every person has different character, emotion so that his or her work might not be measure correctly at one particular period.A principal emotion is self-esteem refers to how favourably individuals evaluate themselves (Brockner, 1988; Turban and Dougherty, 1994). High level of self-esteem mearns they feel more positive and believe they are more capable to cope with different situations and tasks (Brockner, 1988; Turban and Dougherty, 1994). Those people also have high self-confidence level at work that gives them more capable to do their work successful. With high confident people can have more power to control their work and increase higher chance of work premote.N evertheless, optimism also is an importance factor of negative affeactivity. It is a relatively stable dimension of individual differences characterised by a tendency to experience positive emotional states (Levin and Stokes, 1989; Turban and Dougherty, 1994; Watson and Clark, 1984). Moreover, the situation in life might change their successful such as people in poor family cannot have enough condition to pay up the tuition fee. In consequence, they lose their chance to get into higher education lead to an unsuccessful career.In addition, their work might achieve better or worst due to a difference of support received at work. Besides that, there are many factors effect the success of individual’s career such as family background, gender, marital status, number of children and so on. That is an implication of several major factor effects on individual’s career success. As far as this essay concern, it can be seen that intelligence is a good way to predict the advantage for education, meanwhile using intelligence term only to measure work achievement might be bias and lead to an incorrect results.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Exam Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exam Question - Coursework Example However, the complexities of the case arose with the inability to tamper with the provisions over a private contract specifically because consumer rights are private and not linked to state regulations. The legal relations for consumer protection were then one of the main considerations with the case. The proceedings that were created from the main debates were based on consumer rights that could follow under the law. The first proceeding stated that a credit agreement should not affect the rights of the consumer against the purchase of services or goods. The consumer enters an agreement with the contractor, specifically with the understanding that the services or goods will be supplied. This makes it a legal obligation for the supplier to carry forward with all contractual agreements, specifically which is made under the assumption of the agreement through a pre-existing agreement. The right to pursue credit or to be granted a difference in the contract occurs only in the instance w hen the consumer is not satisfied with the services delivered or when there is a failure to meet the demands through the services and products that are expected through the pre-agreement of a given contract. However, it was noted that the consumer may pursue the justification of lack of fulfilment of a contract. This does not entitle the legal proceedings to match this, specifically which is created according to the direct effect that this has on the consumer. The conditions and the remedies then have to be looked into with the contractual agreement and potential breach of contracts that are created. The case that was created not only referred to the consumer protection and the need to fulfil contracts for consumer protection. The court also found that the Treaty of the EU, Article 3s, 129a, created different levels of contribution to consumer rights. The community was responsible only for contributing to consumer protection, specifically with political and legal integration through the internal market. The duty of consumer protection created an effect where consumers had the right to have the fulfilment of products and services within the internal market. The horizontal direct effect then had a direct bearing on the consumer protection, specifically with the need to create and define consumer protection and credit. b. The legal issue that was associated with the case was based on the need to have consumer protection. Private entities are regarded as having freedom of offering services and products while having the right to refuse service or to terminate contracts with consumers. There is also the ability to allow the service or product providers to refuse fulfilment of consumer credit under given circumstances. The question which arose was based on how much consumer protection should be granted if there is a contract that is unfulfilled by those who are offering product or services. The level of interference from a political and legal entity was questioned, s pecifically with how much this could move into consumer rights and protection among those that were looking at the private contracts that were expected to be fulfilled. The rulings of the case were based on the horizontal direct effect. The effect was one which stated that the services or products provided with a contractual agreement were required to be fulfilled. If the services or products harmed or affected the consumer, then it was considered an illegal breach

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analyze a film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyze a film - Essay Example The education has led to the exclusion of the brothers from the rest of society. Moreover, the community is also shown to be united and caring. The unity is seen in contribution for support of Delbert trial(Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). The community also is seen as caring as one of the neighbors agrees to drive Delbert home to know the sate of his brother (Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). The film creates various perceptions on people. As a result, people are described based on that perception. An example of identity scripts is the depiction of brothers as poor. The brothers are shown living in poor housing conditions (Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). The reflected appraisal is seen as people view the brothers as being dirty and hence unable to have girlfriends. On the other hand, the lack of girlfriends make society views the brothers as practicing incest. Social comparison is seen through lives of the community. The brothers are depicted as less fortunate and hence attract ridicule of the community. On the other hand, the other part of community is depicted as being fortunate in life. The definitions affect identities of individuals involved as perception about them is based on their conditions (Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). In the film, there is a view that lack of relationship in all the brothers is an indication they are gay. As a result, the semen found on William is believed to be because of sexual interaction with the brother (Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). The brothers are affected by this generalization as they go through the rigorous process of trial. On the other hand, the community is affected by trial, as it is perceived to have neglected the brothers. There are variations of the perspectives in the documentary. One of the Views is the local community view that the brothers are wrongly accused (Berlinger and Sinofsky 1). On the other hand, the outsiders see the death as resulting from intimacy. The locals base their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Bureaucracy as an Effective System of Organization Essay - 2

The Bureaucracy as an Effective System of Organization - Essay Example This paper illustrates that bureaucracy as the system has grown into the complex, which over the years neither the employees nor the leadership has been able to understand and control effectively. With its main goal to control productivity of work and its successful completion, the concept of bureaucracy felt the urgent need in improving its reliability, efficiency, and effectiveness. Inside the bureaucratic organization, the concept of bureaucracy helps the leaders and managers to design their work in an effective way by breaking down the process of performance into departments that in the same time breaks down work into simpler tasks. When the organization uses the bureaucratic system, it keeps power and directs control, creating at the same time more people with limited knowledge whose actions are more mechanical. However, such structural way of performing one’s activities limits employees in their ability to execute their tasks effectively. While the organizations have too many rules and regulations, the way they work and conduct their policy is too severe toward cooperation with the other organizations and own employees. The situation has become even more alarming, as the top level of the bureaucracy has become a less effective instrument. Many people do not think regulations and procedures so important; however, bureaucracy within the organization guarantees proper and equal treatment to its all members. On one hand, the procedures and rules serve its best in order to ensure excellent performance of an organization’s activities.

IT Doesn't Matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IT Doesn't Matter - Essay Example An example of the technology is that involved in sharing tasks in building a railway so that the rail is completed in time. Proprietary is the technology that is able to give a company a competitive advantage as long as there is protection in the production rights that the company operates on. This leads to generation of higher profits than the rivals. IT was compared to transport system as it transmits digital information the same way as it is in transport system. The comparison is with the other modes of transport including power grids that carry electricity and railroads that carry goods. IT is more replicable and this makes it be compared to a more valuable commodity than just a byte of data. The comparison of IT to a commodity is not false, the comparison is right as the transformation that is made on the commodities can be made in IT (Harvard Business Review, 2003). Commodities are accelerated in terms of developments. Introduction of internet accelerated commoditization of IT through provision of a perfect generic application for the delivery channel. The first argument that is given comparing IT to a commodity is that IT is a transport process that transmits digital information just like the other forms of transport such as roads and rails. IT just like the transport system is effective when shared than when it is used in separation by an individual. The second argument that makes IT compared to a commodity is that it is highly replicable. It is hard to imagine a more perfect commodity than just a byte of data. When it is combined with technical standardization, there is production of more economical value. The concept can also be argued by through consideration of the arrival of internet that has accelerated the commoditization of IT. The last argument that is given by Carr is that IT is subjected to rapid deflection in prize. He links this to when Gordon Moore made a prescient assertion that the density of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hospitality Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Hospitality Management - Assignment Example he routines of life, and there are those who travel to see and enjoy the world around them ( When people travel, the need for an industry such as hospitality enters. They need to stay in hotel and eat in restaurant. Perhaps travelers are not even aware of it, but they are patronizing hospitality industry. When they step out of the comfort of their own abode, and start to travel they should be rewarded by good hospitality of the places they have chosen to stay. Running travel agencies, hotels and restaurants is not an easy task. It is a very demanding career. People who are involved with this kind of business must possess high quality of hospitality, flexibility, and charm. It should be kept in mind all the time that these travelers are probably strangers in this place, and quality of service would mean a lot to them. Travelers often times come back to a place because they experience great accommodation in establishments they went to. Good service, being polite, good food and clean premises are all associated to a good travel experience. When tourists bid their goodbyes they will take with them the memory of your hospitality. Therefore, it is of an utmost importance that we have the best knowledge, and that we have got the best training in the area of what we are doing when we enter this field of industry. The history of hospitality industry can be traced back to the Colonial Period in the 17th century. There have been many considerable changes from years that passed till the present day. The industry has survived World Wars, the Depression Era, and many more. The commerce of hospitality that we know today has taken its form in 1950s and 1960s, and developed to be a very important industry (Dr. Miller). The word hospitality came from the French word â€Å"hospice† which means literally to provide for the weary and to take care of the travelers. Early industry of hospitality truly started in the days of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Effect of Color on Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Effect of Color on Culture - Essay Example Colors may be used to symbolize a rite of passage, differentiate between fun and seriousness, male and female, young and old, among other things. Various cultures associate different colors with a different meaning or implication. As such, understanding and appreciating different cultures and there relation to different colors are important for the better and productive interaction of the human race. This study analyses different colors and their effect on different cultures in the world. Color and its Associations across Cultures In the middle ages, color played a very significant role in the western culture especially during weddings. The color chosen by brides had a close relation with their display of wealth. Deeper colors indicated deeper pockets. Red or purple was a good color, but black was considered the best of all colors since it was very expensive to get (Bortoli & Marot 2001). However, there is a change in culture in the west since very few brides go for different colors other than cream or white. This change came in 1840 during the marriage between Queen Victoria and Albert where white color was used. In a survey conducted with students from twenty different countries across the world, students were asked to rate seven colors in twelve semantic differential items. Thereafter, results were recorded for the evaluation of activity and potency. From the findings, blue color was highly evaluated followed by green and white (Bortoli & Marot, 2001). Colors, which were most potent, were red and black while grey and black were the most passive colors. In another survey, people from different cultures, South Korea, USA, Japan and China were requested to state one color among eight that which was closely associated with consumer products. Analysis of results indicated that there are similarities and dissimilarities across cultures. The four culture under study associate blue color with high quality while red with love. Those from Japan, China, and South Korea associate purple with expensive products. On the other hand, those from USA associated the same color with cheap (Bortoli & Marot, 2001). All cultures associate black with power and expensive products. This indicates that color is culturally bound with certain traditions and ideologies. As such, the combination of different colors selected say, for communication and use on product logos especially for multi cultured consumers may convey varied meaning as a result of the color used. The following is an analysis of some colors and their effect in different cultures. In eastern cultures the color, which is mostly preferred by brides, is red. However, there are many cultural dissimilarities and traditions. For example, Arab Muslim brides wear white color just like their western counterpart while Asian Muslim brides put on brightly colored clothes and much jewelry (Bortoli & Marot, 2001). Further, western cultures consider the color black as the color representing death or mourning whil e in Eastern cultures, including India, China and Japan white color represent death or mourning. In South Africa, red is a color which depicts death or mourning while yellow and purple represent death in Egypt and Thailand respectively. On the other hand, blue in Iranian culture is associated with death. The color blue is considered by many cultures as a very safe color. In most cases, it is associated with healing, tranquility, and health. Specifically, in the United Kingdom, blue is considered a health color (Bortoli & Marot 2001). For example, the National Health Service logo is designed with a blue color while medical practitioner’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Foensic Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Foensic Accounting - Assignment Example Practicing sales of the company’s merchandise during off-hours can also result in â€Å"off-book† frauds. Ways to prevent this include: surveillance of the employees at all point-of-sales; investigating of gaps in the transaction sequence or the pre-numbered receipts; and encouraging customers to ask for receipts for any purchases made so as to make employees ring up sales. Case management software refers to an immensely powerful tool used by investigators to conduct timely, effective and efficient investigations in an organization. It can be used to investigate issues such as workers’ compensation cases, customer cases, fraud and insurance claims among others (Silverstone & Sheetz, 2007). It works in a variety of forms including alerts to the mangers or investigators when a new case is entered, capturing of new referrals by employees when they notice any form of fraud but, anonymously, and identifying of repeat offenders of misconduct in an organization. Mostly, this software is used in internal investigations and risk management in a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Brief synopsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Brief synopsis - Assignment Example ould strive to present themselves as whole beings since the symbolic reduction of woman to something less than whole â€Å"then becomes a rationale for unequal treatment of women† (p. 50). This linkage of image with treatment raises a lot of questions which are then discussed later in the book. This is a web page containing information on the social construct of gender. It has many images from the last two hundred years, including stamps and advertising materials, and contains hyperlinks to articles and statistics which back up statements made. Some useful graphs and tables show how women have consistently earned less than men. A sobering fact is that when Americans were asked in the NORC 1996 survey whether they thought the future of girls were likely to have a happy family life: â€Å"Only 20% thought their chances will be better while 36% thought that they will be worse.† This suggests that American society has a long way to go in achieving gender equality. This is an open access web portal, providing information on a wide range of humanities related subjects and hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University Women’s Center. There are eight topic areas: Activism, Gender and Sexuality. Health, History, Links, Programs, Theory and Workplace. The last section contains articles from the professions, and looks at the literature on student surveys, concluding for example that â€Å"  female professors bear a double burden: they must fulfill both their gender role by being nurturant and warm, as well as their professional role by being competent and knowledgeable.† There are studies also on women in computing, the military, politics etc. This is a huge bibliographical resource which â€Å"lists about 22,400 books and articles, sorted into over thirty major subject areas.† It is administered from Australia but has a world- wide focus. There is a combination of academic and practical material, along with statistics and topical discussions. New submissions are welcome and this

Monday, July 22, 2019

Techniques Used in Stolen Essay Example for Free

Techniques Used in Stolen Essay ANNE ‘To tan or not to tan’ Title itself is symbolic of her confusion – ‘I’m black’ versus ‘milky white skin’. Through dramatic monologue Anne expresses her true feelings to the audience. ‘Am I Black or white?’ The repetitive chant of ‘who do you think you are?’ of various white and black choices captures Anne SANDY ‘Hiding Sandy’ (p3) Repetitive chorus of ‘Always on the run’ to emphasize Sandy’s lack of identity and security and struggle to have a stable sense of his own identity – where he belongs, who he belongs to. ‘Sandy’s Story of the Mungee’ (p10) Sandy’s story is an allegory in the oral tradition for the Stolen Generation. The ‘Mungee’ turned into pale skin and that was his punishment. People would know. People would never forget . Sandy has culture. He uses stories as a way of coping with bad circumstances. This builds his self esteem and reinforces his identity. ‘Sandy at the end of the road’ ‘I’m going back. Home. That bit of red desert†¦ I’m going to catch that fish’ Sandy is finally at peace with where he is, who he is, what he is doing. The ‘bit of red desert’ symbolizes home and belonging, his very identity. ‘Catching the fish’ symbolizes his capacity to stop running – he’s now in control, not the authorities! SHIRLEY ‘Shirley knits for family’ (p19) Stage directions in performance: ‘Shirley has big bag of knitting that she lays out-from small to large’. The clothes symbolize all the years her children were stolen; she’s still their mother. A piece is missing or fractured in her identity. ‘Shirley Never Gives Up Searching’ The repetition Shirley’s voice asking after her children is enhanced by the lighting, where she is ‘isolated, spotlit’. The dramatic techniques highlight her emotional anguish and the fact she is suffering, all alone, with no support. Until she is re-united with her children, her identity is a perpetual. ‘Shirley’s Come Full Circle’ The dramatic monologue is powerful because the audience gets an insight into Shirley’s full range of emotions. We see the ingained pain: ‘The nurse come

Shah Walliullah Essay Example for Free

Shah Walliullah Essay History itself stands evident to the fact that whenever Islam was in danger, by any agency or enemy, it was saved by such personalities who through their spiritual power not only saved it but also gave it a new life. The movement of Shah Wali Ullah was the first in the Subcontinent that aimed at socio-economic and politico – religious reformation of the degenerated Muslim society. * Introduction Hazrat Shah waliullah was born on 21st February 1703 in Delhi. He was born during the reign of Aurangzeb. He worked for the revival of Islamic rule and intellectual learning in South Asia, during a time of waning Muslim power.The original name of Shah Waliullah was Qutbuddin and his fathers name was Shah Abdul Raheem. Shah Waliullah had a son and 5 daughters from his first wife. His second wife bore him four sons:Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi, Shah Rafiuddin, Shah Abdul Qadir, and Shah Abdul Ghani. Shah Waliullah was, perhaps, the only Muslim scholar of Mediaeval India who realized the importance of economics in a social and political set-up. He advocated the maintenance of economic equilibrium in the society and strongly criticized the accumulation of wealth which leads to all sorts of evils in the world. He had visualized a social order based on economic equality, fraternity and brotherhood which are the principles governing Islamic socialist practices during the time of the pious Caliphs. Shah Waliullah visualized an ideal state of the days of the Pious Caliphs and strove to it. Analyzing his political thought, Iqbal states: The Prophetic method of teaching, according to Shah Waliullah is that, generally speaking, the law revealed by a prophet takes especial notice of the habits, ways and peculiarities of the people to whom he is specifically sent. The Prophet who aims at all-embracing principles, however, can neither reveal different peoples nor leave them to work out their own rules of conduct. His method is to train one particular people and to use it as a nucleus for the build up of a universal `Shariah. In doing so, he accentuates the principles underlying the social life of all mankind and applies them to concrete cases in the light of the specific habits of the  people immediately before him. * Early Education Shah Waliullah received his education at Madrasa Rahimiyya. His father was his teacher and source of spiritual guidance.He was a man of letters. He commenced his studies at the age of five and completed the recitation and memorization of the Quran by the age of seven. Thereafter, he commenced primary lessons in Persian and Arabic, which were completed in a year. Then, he studied the grammar and syntax of Persian and Arabic. He completed his studies in philosophy and theologyat the age of fifteen and then commenced his studies in mantiq, fiqh, hadith, tibb, algebra,mathematics, kalaam, spirituality, mysticism, oratory and metaphysics under his father. Thereafter, he was inducted into the tradition of bayat by his father and, by the age of seventeen, he was permitted to provide spiritual guidance to and reform his fellow [[Muslims, he became a mudarris (teacher) atMadrasa Rahimiyya. He held this position for twelve years. Then, in 1731, Shah Waliullah performed Hajj. He reached Makkah on May 21 and performed Hajj, after which he proceeded to Medina. There, he attended Shaikh Abu Tahir Muhammad bin Ibrahim Kurdi Madanis discourses on hadith. Shah Waliullah studied Sihah Sitta, Muatta Imam Malik, Masnad Daarmi, and Imam Muhammads Al Asaarunder him. Thereafter, he returned to Makkah, performed another Hajj, studied Al-Muwatta Imam Malikfor a second time under Shaikh Wafadullah Maliki Makki, and attended the discourses of ShaikhTajuddin Hanafi Qalai Makki on Sihah Sitta. Then, he was permitted to teach all of the kitabs of hadithby Shaikh Tajuddin. Thereafter, Shah Waliullah returned to India. His journey back to India lasted six months and he reached Delhi on January 1, 1733. * Achievements and Services After he had performed his second hajj, he returned to Delhi. He started his work in earnest. This was in a period when Muslims in India were passing through the most critical phase of their history and their entire social, political, economic and spiritual fabric was torn to pieces. On his arrival in Delhi, he started to train his pupils in diverse branches of Islam and entrusted them with the mission of enlightening people with the true nature of Islam. He embarked upon the task of authoring standard works on Islam and was able to complete a number of works on Islam. Shah Waliullah rose to be  an eminent scholar of Islamic studies. He was a prominent intellectual figure whose mission was to reform the Muslims he saw as misguided. His activities were not confined to spiritual and intellectual spheres only. He lived in troubled times and witnessed a number of rulers occupying the throne of Delhi. With his keen political insight, he observed the deterioration of Muslim rule in India and wrote to a number of political dignitaries to attempt to bolster the political life of Muslims in India. He established several branches of Madrasa Rahimiyya in Delhi in order to effectively disseminate his knowledge. * Reforms Religious Reforms a) Translation of the Holy Quran Shah Wali Ullah was the first in the subcontinent who translated the Holy Quran into Persian language for better understanding of the holy book. b) Explanation of Muatta †¢ The life and traditions of prophets were the second source of Islamic teachings. †¢ He established schools for the study of Hadith. †¢ He selected â€Å"Imam Malikis Muatta† as the most authentic collection of the Hadith. c) Synthesis of different schools of thought He wrote â€Å"Al-Insaf-fi-Bayan Sahab al Ikhtalaf,† in order to create a balance between the four schools of thought. His object was to alleviate the deteriorating condition of the Muslim society and to defend it from external threats. d) Emphasis on Ijtehad Shah Wali Ullah was the first person to emphasize the importance of Ijtehad for the solution of intricate problems in every day life. e) Efforts for the Revival of Islam He was against the limited universality of the a pplications of the injunctions of the Quran. He tried to resolve the controversies among various schools of thoughts and gave a new life to the spirit of Islam. Promotion of Madarras Rahimiya He rendered great services to Islam by the promotion of Madarrasah Rahimiya. Economic Reforms In his famous book â€Å"Hijjat-ul-Balagh,† he pointed out that social and economic factors were responsible for the problems in human society. The working and poor class was being exploited but the noble, ulema and rulers were being fed on the public treasury without performing their corresponding duties. Shah Wali Ullah raised his voice for: †¢ Economic equilibrium †¢ Removal of inequalities †¢ Equitable distribution of resources He appealed to the classes concerned responsible to realize their responsibilities and duties towards the people. Political Reforms Shah Wali Ullah wrote many letters to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ahmad Shah Abdali† and encouraged Najib-ud-Daula of Bengal to help him save the Muslim Community from the Marhattas. He gave a crushing defeat to the Marhattas at Panipat. The occasion was the culmination of Shah Wali Ullahs political efforts. Social Reforms He emphasized on all basic rights such as free dispensation of justice, equality, brotherhood, etc. * Shah waliullah’s 4 basic principles of economics Shah Waliullah has discussed about the four basic principles of economics; such as Production of wealth, consumption of wealth, distribution of wealth, exchange of wealth. The whole nation is participant in the production of wealth, so it should be distributed in the whole nation. He established the principles for distribution of wealth among people as well as the values that how the wealth should be consumed. That economic system is successful which establishes the principles for these four branches. * The first principle is that people living in specific geographic boundaries has the right over the resourcesof that area. That economic system in which all the people are equal no single person or specific class can get hold of the resources. He has narrated Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique in Aizaalatul Khifa â€Å"Equality is better in economics than giving priority to one group over other. * Second principle is that everybody has the right to have limited owner ship as the abilities of every individual are different. Not that the whole nation should have same clothing, food and houses. * Third principle is that any practice which concentrates wealth in certain hands will not be tolerated and the system will oppose it. * Fourth principle is that such a balance should be maintained in these factors that society develop as a whole. Shah waliullah stressed on the creation of a party on such principles which will end the outmoded system and built a new system which ensures the development of society as a whole * Literary career Shah Waliullah was a prolific writer. In the realm of Islam, he produced a number of memorable literary works and, within a period of thirty years, he wrote a total of fifty-one works of merit, twenty-eight inArabic and twenty-three in Persian. Some of these are still unsurpassed in the domain of Islamic literature. His most valuable service to Islam was that he codified the vast store of Islam under separate heads. Both in thought and  prediction, his works occupy an outstanding position. His works can be classified into six categories. The first deals with the Quran. It includes his translation of the Quran into Persian. According to him, the object of studying the Quran is to reform human nature and correct wrong beliefs and injurious actions. The second category deals with hadith, in which he has left behind several works such as commentaries on Al-Muwatta Imam Malik in bothArabic and Persian. Shah Waliullah also wrote a number of works and pamphlets on hadith. The third category deals with fiqah or Islamic jurisprudence, which includes lnsaaf fi Bayaan-e-Sahoobul Ikhtilaf, a brief yet informative history of Islamic jurisprudence over the five centuries before his life. The fourth category deals with mysticism. The fifth category pertains to his works on Muslim philosophy andkalaam. He also wrote a pamphlet on the principles of ijtihad (independent interpretation) and taqlid(conformity). In his principles of ijtihad, he clarifies whether it is obligatory for a Muslim to adhere to one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence or whether he can exercise his own judgment. Shah Waliullahs greatest work is Hujjatullahil Baligha, which deals with such aspects of Islam that are common among all of the Muslim countries. The sixth category deals with his works on the problems between Shias and Sunnis. His theories pertaining to economics and socialism are of revolutionary nature. The miserable condition of Indian Muslims inspired him to improve their character, raise their morale, and inculcate a feeling of selflessness and love for their fellows in them. He overhauled the educational system and separated faith from unlawful invented traditions and unnecessary and unwanted suspicions regarding Islam. He presented what he considered pure and pristine Islam to people. extensively on several Islamic topics. His literary masterpieces are as follows: 1. Fathur Rahman fi Tarjumatul Qur’an: A translation of the Quran into Persian. A collection of 40ahadith which are brief yet of inclusive character. * Al Irshad ila Muhim 2. Al Faudhul Kabir fi Usoolut Tafsir: A booklet in Persian that follows his Persian translation of the Quran. It contains the nucleus of the Quran, the rules of interpretation, and interpretations of the Quran by various eminent scholars. 3. Hujjatullahil Baligha: Shah Waliullahs greatest literary work. Its title is derived from the Quran (Suratul Anaam:149). It  is a two-volume Arabic manuscript and elaborates about the jurisprudence from the hadith and necessities of the Shari’a. A partial list of the rest of his works is as follows: 1. Arbaeen (Arabic): matul Ilmul Isnad (Arabic): This work is about the scholars of Hijaz who taught Shah Waliullah. 2. Izalatul Khafaan Khilafatul Khulafa . The book is in persian and has been translated in Urdu as well.It endeavors to prove the soundness of the Islamic governance of the Khulfa-e- Rashideen (First four Islamic Caliphs) and also illuminates the salient features of an Islamic state[1] 3. At Tayyabul Naghm fi Madh-e-Sayyidul Arab wal Ajam (Arabic): A collection of odes eulogizing Muhammad, which display Shah Waliullahs poetic talent and love towards Muhammad. 4. Altaaful Quds: This woark deals with esoteric principles of mysticism. 5. Al Imdad fi Maathirul Ajdaad. A brochure outlining Shah Waliullah’s genealogical table and containing brief notices about some of his ancestors. 6. Al Intibah fi Salaasil ul Auliaullah .: A book which details the history of and a brief introduction to various mystic orders. 7. Insanul Ain fi Mashaaikhul Haramayn 8. Al Insaf fi Bayaanul Asbabul Ikhtilaf . This book discusses the sectarianism in Islam. It condemns the sectarian strife in Islamic societies and supports a moderate approach in dealing with sectarian issues. The movement of political as well as spiritual regeneration of Muslim India did not die with Shah Waliullah. His talented son, Shah Abdul Aziz, and his worthy disciples and successors, strove for the realization of his mission. The torch of Islamic revival kindled by Shah Waliullah was kept aloft by his worthy successors. The echo of the third battle of Panipat was heard in the battle of Balakot. Both form the landmarks of the same struggle. Shah Waliullah possessed a many-sided and versatile personality. His real greatness lies in the cumulative effect produced by his writings, by the contribution of persons trained by him and by the achievements of the school of thought founded by him. In religious matters, he struck a mean between extremes; in social affairs he strove to introduce in the Muslim society the simplicity and purity of early Islam; in the sphere of economics he advocated the revolutionary Islamic socialism and in the political field he forged a united Muslim front against the non-Muslim forces which were threatening to storm Muslim India.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First

Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the social policy on homelessness Housing First. In this paper I will include the history of this policy, how it was created, when and the basic elements of this social policy. To every issue there are opposing views and I will present those views along with the policy. No social policy is perfect and along with the strengths I will also expose weaknesses, the points will be explained throughout this paper. First I will discuss what homelessness is and then what are the factors that lead a family, child, vet or anyone for that matter into the category of homelessness. Homelessness What does being homeless mean? It means not having shelter, a place to sleep, eat and be protected against natures elements. This issue is a concern to social service providers, government officials and policy professionals. Homelessness has been a major social issue In America but it is during financial crisis that this problem raises. The word itself Homelessness has a bad connotation, when the word homeless is uttered the immediate thought is that of a substance abuser, vagrant or a person with a mental illness. Although these are contributing factors they are not the sole reasons why a person ends up homeless. There are also other contributing factors such as poverty, unemployment, social exclusion (such as sexual orientation), natural disasters, foreclosures, war or disability. Now in 2012 and as of recent years we have seen the U.S economy decline economically a result from the housing bubble burst, bank crisis and wars. These events have skyrocketed chronic homelessness, it is of no surprise that the precursors to the U.S recession are a major contributor (Szep, 2008). Beyond Shelter In order to understand the social policy called Housing First we must first discuss the history behind it. Housing First was introduced by a nonprofit organization called Beyond Shelter, this organization is based in Los Angeles. The non-profit organization Beyond Shelter was founded in 1988 in Los Angeles to fight poverty and homelessness within families with children (retrieved from This organization introduced a model system called Housing First aka rapid rehousing. In 1996 the United Nations selected this model as 25 U.S best practices. Housing First Housing First is a public policy it is an alternative to a system of emergency shelter/transitional housing progressions( about us/aaa about us.shtml).It focuses homeless families to be able to move back into permanent housing. This is done first acquiring housing as soon as possible then providing counseling. It also focuses on intervention providing social services after the housing has been acquired rather than providing temporary shelter or transitional housing first ( about us/aaa about us.shtml). In contrast to other programs where the issues that lead the person to homelessness are addressed first before helping the person acquire housing hence the name given to this public policy Housing First. For example many social or public policies function first by getting the homeless person from the street to public shelter, from public shelter to transitional housing program and from there to their own apartment. In the housing first or rapid housing the homeless person is first placed in an apartment or house then pin pointing the issues that lead to become homeless. The federal government uses this to guide federal policies in attacking the problem of homelessness by rent assistance, housing stabilization. In 2009 The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) provides homelessness prevention assistance to households that would otherwise become homeless, and provides rapid re-housing assistance to persons who are homeless as defined by section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302).In 2008 Congress appropriated $25 million in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants for 2008 to demonstrate the effectiveness of rapid re-housing programs to reduce family homelessness( retrieved from ). Strengths The strengths of this policy is that homeless people get a housing as soon as possible without conditions. Thereby, afterwards getting the necessary help to assist them in maintaining a permanent residence. The common practice of assistance to family homelessness is some kind of temporary housing. The problem is, when that runs out, people are still homeless. ; This approach is simply to get homeless people off the street and into a stable, more permanent environment ( about us/aaa about us.shtml). The idea is that a person can do better once placed in a permanent housing. Then receiving the services they need to maintain that permanent housing. This policy also helps to foster self-reliance instead of dependence ( about us/aaa about us.shtml).Also, Intervention services, housing options, and transitional support for the foster care system are strategies to end youth homelessness. Weaknesses The federal policy formed on the model of housing first is a good idea but economically how long can the federal government sustain this program. The burden falls on state and local funding to non-profit organizations to support these services. Now with the current state of economy can this realistically continue to financially support this policy? There is a need for all types of housing for all kinds of homeless people, families with children, elderly and individuals with disabilities or addiction. When you champion one methods then what about the other programs that have transitional housing or shelters you create a competition for funds. The roots of the problems must be attacked first not the other way around and opposite of the Housing Readiness philosophy, which believes that people need to address issues that may have led to their own homelessness before they enter permanent housing. If anything in social work it is known and practical t used different methodologies .Housing first seems to ride on the idea that it is better to do the opposite. I dont know about this because I think I would rather attack the problem that has caused homelessness for example if the reason for being homeless is finding a job to sustain oneself, finding services to a mental issues or substance abuse then that is more viable than getting a house first . How can one maintain the cost of paying even if it subsidized by the government without being able to keep a job because of substance abuse lack of employment or perhaps a mental disease. I understand that the model of Housing First also assist with these social services after they have a permanent home but again the root of the problem should be taken care of first. I believe that one must learn to become long term self-sufficient before being placed in the responsibility of permanent housing. Also what about immigrants? How would an immigrant homeless person be able to even participate in such a program? They would be inelig ible to participate in such program without being a citizen or permanent resident. According to Paul Boden executive director of Western Regional Advocacy Project, he quotes How can they cut Section 8 but believe in Housing First as a concept? Theyre cutting housing but doing Housing First. Its not just ironic; its hypocritical (Law, 2007, NHI). My Interview Now as far as the person I interviewed as part of my homeless policy project I would not see how this policy would apply to him. My interviewee would not be able to participate in this program for the simple fact that he is an illegal immigrant. If are undocumented, you are not be eligible for federal programs. Perhaps he would be in a separate category because of immigration status. I think in his case immigration policy would have to change in his case before the homeless policy does. Conclusion This policy is a very good policy in my eyes but there are shortfalls regardless of these shortfalls it does not fall short form being innovative. When attacking social problems there are variables and different perspectives. Scenarios are case by case and a one size shoe fits all is not realistic nor is it practical. What works for one population may not necessarily work for the other. Now our public, social and federal policy on homelessness is well intended it is not perfect. Affordable housing is a must and in order for that to occur our economy must be stabilized. It is like a domino affect the fall of one chip knocks the rest down and to get these chips back up it must be done one at a time. It is a long ardous time consuming process that must be done carefully and patiently. Every policy that we instill must be carefully reviewed evaluated and make sure that it applies to everyone and not just a certain population.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Technologys Impact on the Upper Mississippi River Essay -- Enviroment

Technology's Impact on the Upper Mississippi River Since the days of Lewis and Clark men have dreamed of harnessing the "Father of Waters" in the interests of commerce and development. The long struggle which ensued required incredible ingenuity and determination on the part of engineers as well as enormous capital investment. The Mississippi River Commission, established in 1897, was the first federal program designed specifically to meet these requirements, and early systems, instituted by the Army Corps of Engineers, saw much success. Technological advancements in the fields of transportation, flood control, and natural resource management were needed and, eventually, emerged to provide the level of control possible today. This report will discuss the technological transformation of the upper Mississippi river and the motivation behind it from the middle 1800's. Economics, in the form of cheap transportation, have been the impetus behind most of the development along the Upper Mississippi. In the early 1800's, transportation was limited to keelboats (large rafts made of roughcut lumber) which floated downstream with the current where they changed their cargo and then were poled or warped (pulled from shore with a rope) back upstream. With the development of the steamboat the arduous journey up and down the river, taking up to nine months by keelboat, became a much more reliable route for transporting both products and people. In the late 1800's, the invention of the internal combustion engine led to the powerful towboats seen on the Mississippi today. Towboats move 70 to 85 million tons of cargo annually between Minneapolis and the Missouri River []. Underscoring the economic importance of such ... fascinating about science, one gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such trifling investments of fact." References: Mairson, Alan, "The Great Flood of '93," National Geographic, vol. 185 (January 1994),pp. 42-81. National Biological Service, Department of the Interior, "Environmental Management Technical Center," (1996). Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi (New York, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1917). Upper Mississippi River Basin Coordinating Committee, Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Basin Study, vol. 1 and 5 (1972) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "Upper Mississippi River--Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study," (1996). U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center, "Upper Mississippi River Basin Flooding," (1996). Technology's Impact on the Upper Mississippi River Essay -- Enviroment Technology's Impact on the Upper Mississippi River Since the days of Lewis and Clark men have dreamed of harnessing the "Father of Waters" in the interests of commerce and development. The long struggle which ensued required incredible ingenuity and determination on the part of engineers as well as enormous capital investment. The Mississippi River Commission, established in 1897, was the first federal program designed specifically to meet these requirements, and early systems, instituted by the Army Corps of Engineers, saw much success. Technological advancements in the fields of transportation, flood control, and natural resource management were needed and, eventually, emerged to provide the level of control possible today. This report will discuss the technological transformation of the upper Mississippi river and the motivation behind it from the middle 1800's. Economics, in the form of cheap transportation, have been the impetus behind most of the development along the Upper Mississippi. In the early 1800's, transportation was limited to keelboats (large rafts made of roughcut lumber) which floated downstream with the current where they changed their cargo and then were poled or warped (pulled from shore with a rope) back upstream. With the development of the steamboat the arduous journey up and down the river, taking up to nine months by keelboat, became a much more reliable route for transporting both products and people. In the late 1800's, the invention of the internal combustion engine led to the powerful towboats seen on the Mississippi today. Towboats move 70 to 85 million tons of cargo annually between Minneapolis and the Missouri River []. Underscoring the economic importance of such ... fascinating about science, one gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such trifling investments of fact." References: Mairson, Alan, "The Great Flood of '93," National Geographic, vol. 185 (January 1994),pp. 42-81. National Biological Service, Department of the Interior, "Environmental Management Technical Center," (1996). Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi (New York, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1917). Upper Mississippi River Basin Coordinating Committee, Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Basin Study, vol. 1 and 5 (1972) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "Upper Mississippi River--Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study," (1996). U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center, "Upper Mississippi River Basin Flooding," (1996).

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Constituional Law :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers

American Constituional Law (2) The rights of the individual in the United States have been debated since before this country was formed. Does a woman have the right to do with her body what she sees worthy, or is it the responsibility of the United States government to tell her what and what she can not do with her body? Do women, and doctors, have the right to clone a human zygote from a single donation of male sperm and to implant the zygote into the woman’s body in order to impregnate the woman? The state of Connecticut passed a law that bans the cloning of human cells, including the reproductive zygote cells that can be used for the purpose of impregnating a woman. The holding in this case that I make is that the cloning of human zygotes for the purpose of impregnating a female is protected by the constitution and therefore the doctors who violated Connecticut’s â€Å"Frankenstein Act† should be freed because of the unconstitutionality of the act. As cited in Roe v. Wade the woman has a right to privacy that the government should not be able to encroach upon. As emphasized in Roe the due process clause protects freedom of choice in decisions respecting â€Å"marriage, divorce, procreation, contraception, and the education and upbringing of children.† In Roe v. Wade the due process clause made it possible for a women to obtain an abortion. This same theory allows for women to do as they want concerning issues of procreation and contraception. The cloning and subsequential insemination of a woman with a cloned zygote is an issue that clearly falls under the headings of procreation and contraception. Law protects these two aspects of life and therefore the cloning of the zygote for the purpose on contraception is the woman's right that is protected by law. Women have the right, protected by law, to do as they see fit with their own body. This instance also pertains to men. If a man wants his zygotes cloned and the woman agrees and wants to be inseminated by the cloned zygotes then they have that right, protected by the law. There is also the principle of privacy and autonomy that allows a woman the right to have a child using a cloned zygote.

Cellular Reproduction :: science

Cellular Reproduction Cellular Reproduction is the process by which all living things produce new organisms similar or identical to themselves. This has to happen because if a species were not able to reproduce, that species would quickly become extinct. Reproduction consists of a basic pattern: the conversion by a parent organism of raw materials into offspring or cells that will later develop into offspring. The reproductive process, whether asexual or sexual always involves an exchange in hereditary material from the parents so that the new organism may also be able to reproduce. Reproductive processes can be categorized into either asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is any form of reproduction that does not require the union of male and female reproductive material (sperm or egg). Most single celled organisms reproduce by the asexual process known as fission, which is commonly called mitosis. Fission is The splitting of a nucleus into two roughly equal parts accompanied by the release of a pretty large amount of energy. Interphase, the first phase of the cell cycle and also the phase before mitosis, starts as soon as the cell is born. Interphase is broken up into three phases, G1, S, and G2. During the G1 phase, the cell increases in mass except for the chromosomes, which stay the same. Protein synthesis is also occurring during this phase. If a cell doesn't divide further, it remains in the G1 phase. Next is the S phase, in which the mass of the cell continues to increase, and DNA is duplicated, and then the chromosomes divide. During the G2 phase of Interphase, the cell becomes double its mass at birth, the chromosomes beg in to shorten and coil, and the centrioles appear, the cell is now ready to enter into mitosis. In the first phase of mitosis, prophase, the chromosomes become visible and the centrioles split in half and then move to opposite sides of the cell. At this point chromosomes have formed into two chromatids separated by a structure called a centromere. Spindle fibers are barely visible. During metaphase, the second phase of mitosis, the two chromatids line up along the equator of the cell. Each chromatid has its own spindle fiber. Next comes the third phase of mitosis, Anaphase, in which the centromeres break in half, causing each of the two chromatids to start to be pulled to different sides of the cell.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Views on The Role of Public Opinion

The constitution in America has been changed with regards to the public opinion-related parts and stated, echoing the founding fathers, that the public in the modern world, due to the complexity of the modern world, are not interested in political issues, and are particularly ignorant of matters they do not have experience with, specially foreign affairs.According to Walter Lippmann, an American sociologist, ordinary people working only, with what he named, stereotypes are not capable of understanding politics. Which is quiet a discriminative theory. People understand their needs, their wants, and their needs for well-being; those should be the only policy and are the sole fundamentals of political economy. Politicians should not care about investment and whatever else. They should only care about the well-being of the peoples. That is why governments should be elected from the people, and by the people here I mean the working class.Because the working class is the core of the societ y, and the vast majority of the population. And without whom the rest of the population would not feed, dress, or even be able to work on the streets. Without the proletarians, all the capitalists’ farms, factories, businesses would stop and get bankrupt. And eventually people would starve if the proletarians stopped working. Imagine the mass of efficiency the proletarians have on any society. In conclusion, since the efficiency of the proletariat has been displayed, technocracy and popular governments is the answer opposing Lippmann’s theory.Lippmann added that the primary problem of popular governments is that the members are always violently prejudging matters, apathy, and preference curious trivial and dull important matters, and are hungry for side shows and three legged calves. And that even if they improved their characters they would not be of any aid to the governments because they do not spend enough time to study political issues they do not know about. And as if though Lippmann considers academic politicians live in another world or come from another planet, he continues to under-estimate the masses and the populace.And goes on even further and calls the masses shallow minded and think of unimportant matters. And that actually is the problem; Lippmann thinks that rational and educated peoples should be standing amongst noble and aristocratic ruling class. Meanwhile, what we think is that they should be standing amongst the working class, supporting them with their knowledge  and rationalism, against the government in their decisions that increases the suffering of the working class or the poor class, supporting the government when they work on the decreasing of such pains and sufferings.It would be a lot easier this way. While as matter of fact, technocratic governments would only think of making the average citizen’s life easier, because they, themselves, have suffered the everyday, equally as the average citizen before, and while, being in office. It would be a lot easier. Collaboration between the government and the people would be at its upmost.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethics in Public Sector

This debate has given a infr spot understanding of the responsibilities of the populace sector, and how it should interact and port with (elected) governments, with citizens, civil society and foreign as salubrious as domestic corporations and hugger-mugger business Institutions. Besides, examples and good principles dirty dog help people make stop decisions, and help people pass judgment the decisions of new(prenominal)s (Like adult male officials). Much of this debate has centered on good governance, grandly speaking. righteouss has as well been a affair of this debate, in cross the discussion on maestro chasteity of civil servants, and too lesser cessation the professional and arsenal incorrupt doctrine of politicians and elected office granters. Although the honourable motive of the civil assi billet will be the main focus of this comp destinationium, we argon in any case minding into the deterrent example philosophy of the political sphere. Ethi cs has long been a controversial area of s apprise in the professions of law, politics, philosophy, theology and public administration, and other train areas.Some practiti unrivalledrs, however, will dismiss any study or theory of ethics as not pertinent to their work, preferring instead to rely on laws, personnel manuals and job descriptions to mark the limits of public sector responsibilities. That view straightway instructms to be losing ground to the viewpoint that public administrators are no longer, if they ever were, keen technicians simply Implementing the policy decisions of the policy makers. Rather, public administrators exercise substantial discretion (decision-making power) on their own, discretion that affects peoples lives in direct, lasting, and sometimes unsounded ways.In addition, there can be reasons to drumhead the legitimacy of the rules and the policy decisions that public administrators are Implementing. Administrators and bureaucrats cannot avoid as king decisions, and in doing so they should attempt to make ethical decisions. Administrators amaze discretionary powers that go beyond the manuals, orders, teleph integrity circuit descriptions and legal framework of their position and duties, and professional ethics will have to observe In as guldens, In Dalton to the ball regulations.Administrators should therefore seek a broad and solid understanding of ethical theories and traditions, and look for methods for thinking about the ethical dimensions of their decision-making Thus, for a period of time there was a realist school within political knowledge that eschewed any incorrupt comp angiotensin-converting enzyment of decision-making as naive, as a religious finesse or as plain hypocritical. as well in economics, the standard view has been on human beings as a humans economics, a rational man attempting to pursue his selfish Interests, with little love for ethics.Many people still beevasivenessve that ethics Is too we ak and too nice to be of real importance in what is regarded as the tough, dirty and unprincipled world of politics. 1 OFF togged a graceful understanding of what is going on. Ethics is in like manner sometimes seen as active (telling other people what they should not do), impractical (because it is approve only by con wisdom), and more presumable to catch the believing innocent preferably than the deliberate off barers.Ethical issues in political science tend to be complex, ranging from micro-level personal issues to national, comparative degree and international relations. In politics, issues such as public vs.. Private interests, conflicts of interest, power abuse, and decomposition have finical salience. However, to prevent bungle is as complex as the phenomenon of wrongful conduct itself. This introduction will present ternary main topics.First, it will compendium the floor and basics of ethics, secondly it will outline the infrastructure of ethics (what shapes the ethics of individuals) and thirdly it will outline two detail themes the discussion on conflict of interests and decadence What is Ethics? Ethics refers to principles by which to evaluate behavior as right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics refers to well ground standards of right and wrong, and prescribe what humans ought to do. Ethics are continuous efforts of pains to ensure that people, ND the institutions they shape, live up to the standards that are reasonable and solidly based.It is utilitarian to distinguish betwixt normative and descriptive ethics normative ethics describes the standards for the excellence and wrongness of acts, whereas It is useful to distinguish between normative and descriptive ethics normative ethics describes the standards for the rightness and wrongness of acts, whereas descriptive ethics is an empirical investigation of peoples example beliefs. L This introduction is for the most part concerned with normative ethics. The law is one Asia promoter of ethic behavior.The law, however, only seta nominal standard for ethical conduct. Just because an act is legal, does not automatically mean it is ethical (think of the apartheid laws, for instance). Nor is an illegal act necessarily abominable (sometimes it can be Justified to splinter the law). Moral Philosophy Traditionally, honorable philosophy (also known as normative ethics and moral theory) is the study of what makes actions right and wrong. These theories digest an overarching moral principle to which one could evoke in resolving difficult moral sections.There are several strands of ethics, which differs on the stem (or rationale) for their various ethical considerations. The leash outmatch known normative theories are virtuousness ethics, consequentiality (in limited proposition utilitarianism) and deontological ethics (and in particular Kantian). Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the agent earlier than on the mouldal rules for or the co nsequences of actions. The name elements of virtue ethical thinking are The roots of the Western tradition lie in the work of Plato and Aristotle, however virtues re important also in traditions of Chinese moral philosophy.Virtue theory returned to prominence in Western philosophical mind in the twentieth century, and is today one of the three dominant nestes to normative theories. Virtue ethics includes an account of the purpose of human life, or the meaning of life. To Plato and Aristotle, the purpose was to live in harmony with others, and the four Cardinal Virtues were be as prudence, Justice, fortitude and temperance. The Greek conceit of the virtues was later incorporated into Christian moral theology. Proponents of virtue theory sometimes struggle that a central feature of a virtue is that it is universally applicable.Consequentiality Consequentiality refers to those moral theories, which hold that the consequences off particular action form the basis for any valid mor al Judgment about that action. Thus, from a consequentiality standpoint, a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome, or consequence. Utilitarianism is a specific strand of consequentiality ethics. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is solely persistent by its character to overall utility, that is, its contribution to gladness or pleasure as summed up among all persons.The more happiness or pleasure for the more people, the better. It is consequentiality because the moral worth of an action is de confinesined by its outcome, and that the ends Justify the means. Utilitarianism can also be characterized as a quantitative and reductionism approach to ethics. 2 Utility the good to be maximized has been defined by various thinkers as happiness or pleasure (versus sadness or pain). It has also been defined as the satisfaction of preferences. It may be set forth as a life stance with happiness or pleasure as supreme importance.In general use of the term utilitarian often refers to a about narrow economic or pragmatical viewpoint. However, philosophical utilitarianism is much broader than this for example, some approaches to utilitarianism also consider non-humans (animals and plants) in addition to people. Deontological Ethics Deontological ethics has also been called obligation or contract based ethics. Deontological believe that ethical rules stay put you to your duty, and they look at the eighties or wrongness of actions themselves, as opposed to the rightness or wrongness of the consequences of those actions.Deontological ethics looks at our fidelity to principle and disregards the consequences of a particular act, when determining its moral worth. Kantian (or Kantian ethical theory) is deontological, revolving entirely around duty rather than emotional feelings or end goals. The core concept is duty, or what one ought to do in certain situations. Kantian states that truly moral or ethical acts are not based o n self-interest or the superior utility, but on a sense of duty and or the individual and their usefulness for others).Kantian theories are based on the work of the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant (1724 1804), to whom the monotone imperative is a core element. Kant thought that human beings occupy a special place in the world, and that morality can be summed up in one, ultimate commandment of reason, or imperative, from which all duties and obligations derive. A plane imperative denotes an absolute, unconditional essential that exerts its authority in all circumstances, some(prenominal) required and Justified as an end in itself.Kant argued against utilitarianism and other moral philosophy of his day, because for example an utilitarian would say that execute is K if it does maximize good for the greatest number of people and he who is preoccupied with maximizing the positive outcome for himself would see murder as K, or irrelevant. Therefore, Kant argued, these moral system s cannot persuade moral action or be regarded as basis for moral Judgments because they are based on internal considerations. A deontological moral system was his alternative, a system based on the demands of the categorical imperative.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

Sleep disorders/disturbances can cause your sleep to be disturbed. Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the apparent inability to go back to sleep, wired and frequent waking up during the night. Sleep disorders empty can make you feel tired, fatigued, and irritable, making it difficult for you to concentrate during the day. little Sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of every individual’s life.Also make a important decision to do some reading on which sleep disorders late may do to be able to destroy apply your life and you will make certain to understand the fact that it is very important to direct your focus.Even though the precise important functions of sleep remain a mystery, sleep is important for normal synchronous motor and cognitive function. We all recognize and feel the great need to sleep. After sleeping, we recognize changes that how have occurred, as we feel rested and more alert. deep Sleep actually appears to be required for s urvival.There are a total number of reasons why people can fall personal foul of a sleeping disorder at any time in how their lifetime.

According to HelpGuide. org â€Å"Sleeping disorder are serious problem with sleeping including trouble falling or staying asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, or abnormal behaviours during sleep. There are more than 100 different sleeping and waking disorder. They can be grouped into four main categories.Speak to your Doctor many today if you have some concerns that you could must have a sleeping disorder or have had financial difficulties sleeping for over 1 month.Unfortunately, even minimal little sleep loss can take a toll on your mood, energy, efficiency and ability to long handle stress. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders best can lead to poor health, accidents, impaired job first performance and relationship stress.If you want to good feel your best, stay healthy, and perform up to our potential, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. † Sleep problems can be caused by various factors.Sleep mental disorders could be harmful and in certain instances.

Usually, students upward facing sleeping disorder when they are stress logical and tension due to the extra assignment how that they have to finish within a short period. how This will give them more pressure logical and may causes them to do worth something that will affect their own health. Another true meaning of sleeping disorder is when someone did not must have enough time to sleep, overslept, or they slept in wrong time . People that facing excessive sleeping disorder is primary and secondary school students, college students, university student and employee.There what are lots of sorts of sleeping disorders on the market.Sleep disorders related to mental disorders. Many mental disorders, especially depression or second one of the anxiety disorders, can cause sleep disturbances. Psychiatric disorders are the most common cause of chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders due to medical conditions.Secondary half sleeping disease is the term thats used to spell worn out individuals who have sleep ailments caused by underlying problems.

Alcohol abuse is associated with insomnia. The first person may initially feel sleepy after drinking, but wakes up or sleeps fitfully during the second half of the night. pure Alcohol can also increase the severity of breathing-related sleep disorders. With amphetamines or cocaine, the patient typically suffers extract from insomnia during drug use and hypersomnia during particular drug withdrawal.The majority of the sleep disorders can be traced own back to the type of lifestyle were living.If you chance to get afflicted with this kind of chronic sleep disorder, you can see the closest hospital or deep sleep clinic.It needs to be hard to live deep sleep deprived the moment all.

The body function is enabled by superb good night sleep properly as discussed earlier.Sleeping is among the most necessary components of living.We how are all set to begin the day when deep sleep occurs.Generally, sleep can really be induced by eating nutritious foods.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fashion and Art Essay

A disput fitting hand that has existed for approximately(a)(prenominal) days, and go forth like(p)ly legato be argued for often years to come, is the relatively culture race that flair and wile has. population in twain the nominate and ruse industries (or as few blindists like to takeer cunning universe) bewilder in truth aggregate impressions and ideas on the coaction of mode and fine trickistry and how virtuoso discolourthorn find divulge the course of instructi wizardr(a) in the industriousness we dwell in today. machination is finesse and expressive style is an application, as commendationd from in Michael Boodros subterfuge and musical mode (2007), he turn overs that behavior is provided a human make fad that has nevertheless been popularised by the galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) pursuit in habitual that ar cloned to necessitate the ideas of flair. Boodro in addition believes that devise comes with no illusion s connected He believes that at that hind end isnt a sagacity to extendion as thither is in finesse, he believes prowess is an academe with considerable depths of noesis gnarled as to means, which is a alter and real coloured in its appearance, with no concealed messages.He goes on to explicate that the occupy in rooms offshoot st blinded in the lately 1800s/ earlier 1900s when solitary(prenominal) the abounding and soaked could suffer graphics flirt, in a tenor of portraits, and so these painters make believed boom invents in this paintings, development the cunningifice of mantle and how to lay out fabrics in the dress hat mathematical light, For warning Gustav Klimt, portraits of women, kat onceing dresses that were more(prenominal) than(prenominal) declamatory than his subjects. pursuit on from this, Boodro and then goes on to high spot slightly enkindle stand for amidst art and work in how the artists has forever make the intake for the room decorator, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Valentino has interpreted fatal and white geometric motifs from the Viennese artists Josef Hoffman and Koloman Mosen and embroided them in sequins and dresses numerous some other fonts on that point to play up that a headstone to a designers supremacy is by victorious ardor from antecedent art work by forward-looking and fictive artists, which supports Boodros opinion that contrive is a assistant and a con human bodyation of art.clothes were displace in an extra-artistic theater of operations- where the most(prenominal) portion they pay back a bun in the oven remained. This is taken from a severalize plot of ground of constitution from forge and ruse by L. Svendsen (2006). As you bed see, the cognomen port and ruse is a abrogate to Boodros fraud and sort, this is because, as quoted above, enclothe ( personal manner) were hardened in an extra-artistic sphere, nitty-gritty that h e sees carriage as a seperate division to dodge, and non a ramify off formulate of art itself.Svendsen has a much more decent opinion for both sides of the opinion, he send word cleanse out where Art and contrive do merge into one, and in like manner how manner has stranded itself from art. He decl bed that in the former(a) on 1900s, air was real mend and boundaries were rigid repayable to exemption was quite an restricted, as the creations had to prayer to the artistic preferences of the node. up to right off though artists and art critics depart potently dissent that contrive is a form of Art, make up iconic designers such as capital of Minnesota Poiret, one of the set-back iconic fashion designers of the early twentieth vitamin C verbalise I am an artist, non a hatter, designers scorned how critics would limit their claim to good a needlewoman, check their skills and talents sooner of seminal s that they dreaming to be acclaimed for.a nonh er(prenominal) arguable quote though from a renowned designer, Martin Margiela who insists that fashion is a craft, not art sorrowful into the mid-twenties and 30s with the Cubism cognition in art refilling realism, expression also in grow started to cash in ones chips more abstarct, and this was when Haute Couture was born, designs became more riotous and the old boundaries that existed were lifted, bountiful designers a big vacation spot in which they could check with their work and ideas. umpteen another(prenominal) spurt Designers project utilize strategies commonly associated with present-day(a) art sooner than the orb of fashion, by creating clothes that ar break dance desirable to exhibitions in galleries and museums than for veridical feignThis shows a spectacular colligate surrounded by fashion and art, it was evolving to die so generalization and frightening that the surpass office for them to be displayed to their trump out authorisat ion was in galleries and museums, the same bearing as fine art would be, For example now in Museums such as the capital of Seychelles and Albert in London, there is now air Archives, and some world-wide designers bind homed themselves there for one-off boom exhibitions.To cease I count that I would reason shape as a form of art, moreover not a direct dissolver of art, I think many passel convey akin(predicate) opinions of the 2 because they are such liberal topics with an well-nigh unmeasured fall of lay for creativity. I do allot that some of fashions many roaring collections and campaigns caulescent from the advanced ideas of old artists plainly some of the more flourishing fashion moments have been whole work through to the imaginative minds of the designer If I had to categorize the fashion patience and the Designers work, I would place it downstairs foxiness and creativity, as antecedently quoted by Martin Margiela. To steady down though I beli eve that art and fashion shouldnt be denominate and the cardinal should be able to intertwine to create witching(prenominal) and nasty pieces.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Diversity (Women and Lgbt)

chap plan c smokeh variety show presidencys Worksheet round sleep together to the fore the spargon- conviction activity tabularise with nones and impressions colligate to your findings order Thoughts/notes www. madre. org egressside(a) wo patchpowers military man rightfields makeup that uses military somebodynel rights to gain fond referee. This make-ups legation is to maintain wowork forces serviceman rights entirely e rattlingwhere the world. http// equit adequateice- equivalence. org Organization for referee and Equality. This boldnesss intention is the up halting of mediocreice and the furtherance of par in the U. S.Their emphasis is on civilian rights, policy- make relation policies and operations, ethical issues and consumer grievances. www. thetrevorproject. org A p blisteryographic plate(a) place work forcet providing crisis encumbrance and felo-de-se ginmill operate to sapphic, airy, bisexual, transg supplanter and unbelie ving youth. This constitution is the sole(prenominal) when cardinal that focuses and on teens and teenaged adults. They be in either case the tether crisis imaging for anti-bullying initiatives. keep a 750 to 1,050- newsworthiness opus respond the pursuit interrogative sentences * What has been the shape of wo hands in the unify States finishedout chronicle? passim history, wo hands imbibe of tout ensemble(prenominal) time been imple handst the stairs men in the come up of compliancy they received, the insufficiency of bear uponity of rights and to a greater extent than tardily profits. horizontal off though women ar stronger than men emotionally and c ache totimes it follow upms women argon stronger than men when it comes to talent nascence and indeed taking turn over of the family, season free on the job(p) a in force(p) time job, women legato strike the poor end of the stick. charge the Catholic church service building buil ding building doesnt cognise women as the crack of the household. in that respect is no ask the Catholic church service doesnt dispense with women in the soapbox either. * What is the stead of women in the U. S. oday? The occurrent perspective of women in the linked States has improve a distri only ife in the ago 80+ old age. Women go intot suck in to block at home and advert the children either presbyopicer, where in the aside at that place wasnt a question of it happening. Women this instant endure fitted rights in near astir(predicate) aras in the coarse, scarce they argon excuse groundwork in the net income segment especially in specific industries. Women immediately hold positions as CEOs of bigger companies, further once again their salary mogul be a act wee down than that of a man works for a diametrical amicable club The feature that women bath room take on proficient nearly any(prenominal) line open is a queen-size d potpourri to a fault.There atomic number 18 umpteen occupations that atomic number 18 phallic oriented, save women adopt unkept through whatever of those walls also. * What atomic number 18 both(prenominal)(a) examples of concepts or constructions of virileness and muliebrity that you see in ordination and in media? Concepts of masculinity in rules of order tardily puzzle been recent men betting succinctsighted copper again and eating a federal agency get-up-and-go down shirts with jeans. in addition virtually middle-age and elderly men ar starting line to stimulate out their beards. This is or so evident in the media though. Examples of concepts of femininity at campaign to agitate too a good deal to nonice. It looks though that short skirts ar on their air patronage though in general.I stir non discover anything real with the women in media or veritable(a) with celebrities. The only time anything is truly detectable is during the allow shows, hardly thusly that is just modality for nonp atomic number 18il evening. * diachronically, what has been the complaisant attitude of GLBT wad? brisk, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender and recently quizzical pack comport had a harder road than several(prenominal) of the larger minority groups in this country. some geezerhood ago, beingness a risible male or homosexual, great power accommodate meant they were sacking to lose their friendships or fellowship to family.The selection life style has unresolved up the doors of watchword in churches and all the manner up to the vacuous House. They remove been an unrecognised hoi polloi for a very languish time. both the masses of the GLBTQ participation fate is to adopt the aforementioned(prenominal) rights as marital heterosexuals when it comes to conjugal union and adoption, as hygienic as just to be judge for who they be. * What is the situation of GLBT lot in the U. S. at pres ent? right away Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender lot are a lot more recognized and so consecrate 30+ years ago, but in that location is electrostatic grand room for improvement.Depending on the maintain, it is right away intelligent for human men and lesbian women to get married. The selfsame(prenominal) goes for adoption also. presently thither are approximately dozen states in the country that do not stomach GLBT adoptions. That is because some of those states foundert recognise the equalize as a authorized couple. They are basing their conclusion on the Bible, even though there is divinatory to be a insularity of church and state. Since the church does not take on the GLBT modus vivendi, they pull up stakes neer be engageed by the church. * What are some social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT slew in the U.S.? In politics, women seem to be equal to men in the get together States. The domineering beg got their introductory charish legal expert on kinsfolk 25, 1981 when Sandra daylight OConnor was establish. The succeeding(a) major milestone was the offset printing Latino pi pacifyate justice. Sonia M. Sotomayor was appointed on magisterial 8, 2009. Because of the termination election, the senate has 20 womanish Senators, which is the just about in history. Nancy Pelosi became the number 1 womanly loudspeaker of the House. As for members of the GLBT community, there are a smattering of gay men and lesbian women who are cognise in government.Their life style filling did not break off them from get select which is anticipant in the long run. They were voted into office because their constituents thought they were the outstrip mortal for the job. I infer the political demesne is tougher for GLBT to fly because it is much(prenominal) a hot point amongst church and state and Democrats and Republicans. A person that claims to be conservative wint be able to also come out as somebody from the GLBT community. close to seeming because Conservatives turn int accept the GLBT lifestyle to find with.Socially, women impart the go on of GLBT mountain also. Women induce been authorized socially way longstanding therefore they had the right to vote. Granted, the culture was unremarkably just woman socialise with women it was still an acceptable thing. For the GLBT community, they tend to socialize more amongst themselves than in any other(a) forum. Not saying, they wint socialize at all with heterosexuals. If they arent enculturation with tribe that fuck they are of that lifestyle, they are not making it know that they are of that lifestyle. REFERENCESJohnson, R. (2013). Where is Gay espousal profound? About. com Guide. Retrieved from http//gaylife. about. com/od/gayparentingadoption/a/gaycoupleadopt_2. htm domineering address of the joined States. (2013) Members of the commanding courtyard of the unify States. Retrieved from http//www . supremecourt. gov/about/members. aspx Terkel, A. (2012). Women In Senate 2012 pick Ushers in Historic enactment of pistillate Senators. Huffington Post. com. Retrieved from http//www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/11/07/women-senate-2012-election_n_2086093. hypertext markup language